Area: 2,25 ha
Preferred functions: predominant living function
Subsidiary functions: retail services, health, social care, education craft services (apart from craftsmanship of heavy industry and production service), gastronomy services, tourism, public and semi public areas, green recreation areas
functions excluded as undesirable: craftsmanship of heavy industry and production service
Urban conditions
impassable building lines measured from the boundary lines of streets:
- 10.0 m from main street,
- 4.0 m from local street
maximal building height: according to map, in case of highest 9 stores building, total building height not higher than 36m
Urban amenities: all areas accessible for disabled
Parking lots:
providing parking spaces for passenger cars within each property according to minimum indicators:
suggested underground parking lots
- parking lots for residents: - 1 position / 1 flat,
- parking lots for users: - 20 positions / 1000m2 of usable area,
- 2 stands / 1000 m2 of storage yard area,
- parking lots for employees: - 20 positions / 100 employees
Rules of infrastructure
roads: accessibility from Jana z Kolna street
buildings in the energy-saving standard with energy a demand not exceeding 15kWh / m2a
renewable energy sources: the obligation to use renewable energy sources in each building is introduced
water: from the municipal water supply;
electricity: it is allowed to build a transformer station, it is allowed to rebuild power lines in the event of a collision with the planned land development;
gas: wireless devices or natural gas
heating: individual heat sources for solid fuel are excluded, renewable sources for heating are advised
wastewater: for municipal sewage system, advised self cleaning of gray water
rainwater: create a system for retention and management of rainwater through the green street planter system
waste: segregation by assortment groups and development by a specialized enterprise;
Conservation conditions
Protected areas should be preserved according to the guidelines of Conservator
Conditions resulting from environmental protection
The external walls of buildings for permanent human stay, located within the range of transport corridors, should meet the conditions of acoustic protection.
Newly introduced species of trees and shrubs should be in accordance with the habitat conditions and resistant to high concentration of air pollutants as well as having properties suitable for flood protection.
Prohibition of changing the direction of outflow of surface waters;
It is forbidden to cover ponds or green street planters.
In disputable matters, adhere to Ordinance of Infrastructure Minister from April 12, 2002 regarding technical conditions, which should be met by buildings and their location.