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Ecological solutions

The use of Ecosystem Services:

Using the research done for the creation of more sustainable Baltic cities as part of the MSRL project, we are taking into consideration their findings to be implemented in the whole area, in order to create a more resilient community, not only socially or economically, but also from the environmental point of view. We believe that the implementation of some of their strategies will have long-term positive impacts, in particular for the recuperation of post-industrial areas and the communities of new developments for the site.
More information on the link of the publication

The example of Detroit:

In 2011, the city of Detroit accused economic bankruptcy coupled with industrial desertification. The city was a kind of industrial monoculture with the bulk of jobs in the automobile. When the sector shut down, the majority of jobs took off, and the locals with. It has almost become impossible to find fresh produce. So those who had not left Detroit, mostly the poorest, rolled up their sleeves and decided to grow their own food. Thus, the city has gone from a food desert to a collaborative consumption. Many urban farms have sprung up. On November 30, 2016, Detroit even became a pioneer in the United States by launching a large-scale agricultural district.

The example of Todmoren:

Touched by the crisis and worried about the environment, three citizens of the English city of Todmorden decided in 2008 to transform public spaces into vegetable gardens accessible to all. Sweet corn plants grow in large bins in front of the asphalt entrance of the police station. There are apple trees and a medicinal herb garden on the grounds of the new health center. A multitude of herbs grow on the towpath along the canal. Vegetable gardens have also spread in schoolyards. With the same message written on signs, "Food to share" or "Serve, it's free", which remind us that all these vegetable gardens scattered throughout the city are accessible to all!

Urban farming project in Romainville

As a competition entry, the French firm Ilimelgo reimagines urban agriculture through vertical farming in the suburbs of Paris. 

A 1000sqm greenhouse to maximize sunlight and natural ventilation is an integral part of the project, and aims to answer the growing demands for crop cultivation in urban environments.

Wind turbines - Copenhagen

In Copenhagen, near the beach of the city, a windmill park was born: the city hall and thousands of inhabitants of the city bought together wind turbines to produce their own renewable energy. Twenty thousand people are shareholders of wind turbines which earns them 6 to 7%, which is better than investing in a bank.


The overall planning of the Novartis campus was carried out by the famous architect Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani. It consists of office buildings, laboratories and production lines, as well as a campus for science, innovation and trade with first class architecture and design for a modern workplace in the heart of the city.

Economical boost

Wind turbines - Copenhagen

In Copenhagen, near the beach of the city, a windmill park was born: the city hall and thousands of inhabitants of the city bought together wind turbines to produce their own renewable energy. Twenty thousand people are shareholders of wind turbines which earns them 6 to 7%, which is better than investing in a bank.

The example of Fribourg

Built on a disused military base, the Vauban district, near Freiburg in Germany, has become the European showcase for eco-districts. Between passive and positive houses, green roofs and solar, this district of 5,500 inhabitants concentrates innumerable ecological innovations. Thought by residents as a "short-distance neighborhood", Vauban has gradually reduced the footprint of the automobile to leave the street to children.

The example of La Réunion

The island of Reunion is small but very inhabited. The problem is both to build, feed the population but also produce energy, renewable, because fossil fuels are very expensive, especially on isolated islands such as Reunion. Their solution: to share the space between renewable energies and agriculture. The agri energy uses greenhouses where the soil is dedicated to agriculture and half of the roof to the production of electricity. Greenhouses protect crops from hurricanes and recover rainwater which allows the farm to be self-sufficient in water.

General approach

The example of Nantes

Originally the island of Nantes was the industrial heart of the city especially with its shipyards. Today, and since the closure of the shipyards in 1987, the island of Nantes is at the heart of an urban restructuring project of the city. The main goal of the project is to recreate the link with the Loire through the drilling of views and the development of access roads to the river. The industrial memory of the site is also echoed in the project including the reinvestment of banana sheds in clubs, bars and restaurants or former shipyards in a place of leisure and culture. The island of Nantes is the new district of creation and see many companies grow at a local scale, but also at a national scale.

Lafayette green garden of Detroit - Source - General design

Agrihood of Detroit - Source -  Miufi

Todmorden - Incredible edible - Source - Calmful living

Todmorden police station - Incredible edible - Source - Mediapart

Offshore wind turbines of copenhagen - Source - ecosources

Novartis campus of Basel - Source - pwpla

Novartis campus of Basel - Fabrikstrasse, the main artery of Novartis headquarters campus - Source - Phaidon

Old shipyards in Nantes - New place for leisure and culture - Elephant and carousel of seabed - Source - L'optimiste

ENSA Nantes - Dock François Mitterand - Place open on the Loire invest by students of school of architecture and academy of fines arts - Source - Batiactu

Eco-neighborhood of Vauban in Fribourg - Source - HabiterDD

Agrienergy in La Réunion - Source - akuoenergy

Agrienergy in La Réunion - Source - researchgate

Visualization of Romainville

Visualization of Romainville

Parc des chantiers Nantes - Picnic and BBQ crowded during summer open on the Loire - Symbol of industrial past - the yellow crane - Source - Fichtre

Hangar à bananes - Nantes - Old place to stock bananas transform in a place for leisures - Source - Hangar à bananes

Infrastructure solutions

The Luchtsingel - Rotterdam

The Luchtsingel is a pedestrian bridge in the centre of Rotterdam, made mostly through crowdfunding it's an example of collaborative effort, and works on the concept of achieving a permanent temporality through a temporary element.

Fosham New City Village Walkway

The bridge, in China, tries to bring back the original culture of the local landscapes in a simple style that was maintained throughout the sustanability aim that was in the core of the main concept.

Eco Bridge Design Winner in Seoul

The bridge is a result of the Yangjaeogogae Eco Bridge Design, this example shows the integration of infrastructure within the landscape as it shows a continuation of the sloped landscape of the mountains in the surroundings.

Foshan New City Village Walkway Bridge by ADARC Associates

Lucthsingel bridge in Rotterdam, by ZUS

Lucthsingel bridge in Rotterdam, by ZUS

Images by KILD

Images by KILD

Solar farm in a prison

In La Réunion, AKUO company has built a solar farm and greenhouse to cultivate vegetables inside the prison, turning the prison itself into a solar farm.  Allowing the prisoners to learn how to build solar panels and cultivate their own vegetables, in a way for the prison to ensure the aim that the prisoners will be able to find a job in the future economy. 

Due to the fact that La Réunion is an island, there's a lack of space to develop cities and agriculture; therefore hybrid buildings have emerged as a solution to save space in the island.

Eco-neighborhood of Vauban in Fribourg - Source - HabiterDD

Spatial and Regional Planning Studies,

2c, 2p, Master Studies in Architecture, sem. II (+ ERASMUS)

Dr inż. arch. Lukasz Pancewicz,

mgr. Inż. arch. Hanna Obracht-Prondzynska

s. 355, Monday, 16.00 – 20.00

Gdansk University of Technology

Faculty of Architecture

Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning

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