The main aims of the design project are;
* Increase green density with gardens, recreational areas etc.
* Increase pedestrian and bike paths
* Reduce the noise and pollution because of the traffic
* Increase sustainable transportation
* Increase the quality of social life with all the needs like schools sports areas, recreational areas etc.
As a design area, the plot between the highway and Brzezno. There several ideas for design area to make that place more attractive and liveable.
The primary aim of that project is to increase the qualified and seperated bike and pedestrian paths to encourage people to use bike as sustainable transportation tool. This paths are in many streets to reach all the plots in the neighborhood. For example, between the residential units, provide large and qualified spaces for pedestrian and the bike paths are inside the residential areas, also the main one is through big sports area. In addition to these, there is a proposed tram line on the side road to make the transportation more sustainable and make the place accessible easly and there is a station in front of a particular plot.
The second aim of this project is to increase greenery in the neighborhood. To do this, green boundaries with recreational purposes along the bike paths were created. There is also a large green space along the highway as boundary to keep the neighborhood away from the traffic.
The third aim of the design project is to mix the housing types like multifamily units and single family units. For this, with the inspiration of the some architectural projects shown below it is decided that make the structure islands in squared shape with yards. On the borders of those squares, there are multi-family housing units which would be four to six floor height. In general use of multifamily housings, the ground floor is devoted for local services and shops. Inside the structure islands, single family housing units are located with private gardens between them and these housings have underground parkings for all of the cars of inhabitants.
Inside the neighborhood, to increase the life quality there is a proposed sports complex with a football field, tennis area, basket courts and a swimming pool.
According to the proposal on master plan at bigger scale, there will be lots of new housing with new inhabitants and children. So, there is a proposed school complex with nursery, kindergarten and primary school where the green spaces are.
The private gardens along the railways are reduced because it was observed that the use of the private gardens as for barbeques and parties not mainly grow vegetables and fruits.
Public green spaces Bike path Housing with green areas Facilities bordering the streets Urban farming
Pedestrian Paths Bridge across the railway Sport facilities Parks

Neighbourhood "Lar Familiar", by the Portuguese architect Mário Bonito. In Porto, Portugal.​
In a vision of future, developing of the neighborhood around will lead further projects.
According to the proposal made at a bigger scale, there will be a lot of new housing and therefore, new inhabitants and children. So in the plot for the sport complex, where there are green spaces we want to implement schools depending on the needs. It would be nursery, kindergarten and primary school. We want to create new facilities, and provide schoolar education for kids of the new inhabitans is fundamental.
About the private garden, we think that the policy of the city can turn this space into something more open to the community. It can become a field where people can grow their vegetables, or a farmer grow vegetables and people will come to buy them cheaper if they pick them theirself. The hall in the corner of our plot has been create to help this purpose, as a hall vegetables market.

There is an inspiration to design housing units as improved socio-spatial way. To increase life quality in the neighborhood there are proposed large pedestrian paths and public uses among and inside the structure islands. To emphasize the public unity perception, there is a proposal of common use landscaped areas and gardens. In residential units simplicity is in the front plan. In residential area the multifamily housings are on the borders of the structure islands with some commercial uses on the ground floor to serve the basic needs of local. Middle of the residential area, there are single family housings with gardens. Within this way, building spaces are also provided with more greenery.
The housing islands have a big bike and pedestrian network. In this way, it is easy to access to the common places such as educational area, sports area and the marketplace. In addition this network also provides an easy access in the neighborhood too.